My Kingdom Is Not Of This World Jn 18:36

As believers in Christ, our classification in this world is that of Jesus Christ. My Kingdom is not of this world, and our prayer is thy Kingdom come, our world view is Kingdom living. Daniel's vision in Dan 2 talks about different Kingdoms, the Babylonian Empire, the Media-Persia, the Greek Empire, the Roman Empire, the revised Roman Empire. Dan 2 concludes by telling us about a Kingdom that will never be destroyed, the Kingdom of God, as believers that is our Kingdom.  John 18:36 Jesus is telling us his kingdom is a real kingdom on this earth, more real than even Rome could ever be. His kingdom has a different set of operating principles. It is powerful at work within the world. Jesus reveals the vision in Rev 21 and 22  when the New Jerusalem comes down out of heaven. Jesus' kingdom descends to take its rightful place as the capital of this world, where all his disciples find their eternal home. Next time someone asks you, are you a progressive, socialist, communist, tell them I'm a Kingdom kid, and my King is Jesus Christ. 

Father, today I turn from sin and the systems of this world and turn to the King of Kings. Let your kingdom come into our heart today in Jesus' name.