Luk 19:8-10 I’m Saved

What does it mean when someone says I’m Saved.
To save, preserve safe from danger, loss, or destruction. To save from the penalty of death and destruction, (not merely to make happy) but to bestow everlasting life as of the result of Jesus resurrection. It refers to helping or saving from danger.

Salvation is a general term, denoting deliverance.

* Jesus came looking for Zac
* Jesus transforms Zac
* Jesus looks beyond the opinions of the crowd to get to Zac

Zac – was saved because he was willing to receive Jesus into his heart and home
Zac – was saved because he turned from his corrupt lifestyle to do the will of God.
Zac – was saved because he was willing to make restitution to those he ripped off.

“You contribute nothing to your salvation except the sin that made it necessary.” ~ Jonathan Edward